Monday, August 28, 2017

Goals and More Goals

I feel like September or the beginning of Autumn is the time when I think about the remaining months ahead. I asked myself questions like what can I do to make sure I’m on track on the goals I’ve set for the year and what my goals are next year.  Perhaps it’s too soon to plan but to be honest, I didn’t start one of my goals for the year till April 2017. So ahead start say 1 – 3 months is ideal to build the momentum coming 2018.

What really helps me is to set a theme for the year and focus on 2 goals max in different areas. Usually these require longer time to complete. Some people have quarterly goals, but I haven’t tried that yet so I couldn’t say if it works for me.

If 2016 was the year of fun, 2017 is the year of change and then for 2018? It’s the year of creativity. I’m putting this out here early on but I intend to focus on (1) To start and build Think Runway Vintage brand, like an actual business (2) Complete a year of photo art journal. That’s it! It’s easier to focus your energy on 2 areas and completing them rather than having a ton of goals and achieving none. I’ll report back on how I did for 2017 but these are just my thoughts on ending the year with a bang and starting a new in 2018.