Monday, October 22, 2012

10 Things I Learn In London

"Our wandering is meant to lead back towards ourselves. This is the paradox: we set out on adventures to gain deeper access to ourselves; we travel to transcend our own limitations. Travel should be an art through which our restlessness finds expression" - Stavans and Joshua Ellison

London has indeed brought a new light to the way I see things and how I truly am as a person. I discovered more about myself and learned to be more appreciative of where I am now. Even if it's just a a week vacation, it has already thought me things that I will continue to live with each and every day.

1. Begin building a collection of jewelry

2. Choose quality ballet flats over heels

3. A fresh baguette, jam and tea or coffee is a lovely breakfast

4. Continue the desire to learn your entire life 

5. Allow meals to linger and conversations to meander

6. Allow yourself to eat good food but less of it

7. Practice patience

8. Shop vintage

9. One doesn't need to live in a large house to live well

10. Best souvenirs are memories not things.