Tuesday, November 29, 2016

We All Have Choices // Day .2

I can't believe I'm actually looking forward to start this new ritual every morning. I guess I've always like to write but I'm not consistent about it. I just do it when something significant happens or if I want to get my emotions out. It has always been my avenue anyways that's why I kept this blog for so long.

Today's morning pages was a lot about my bestfriend visiting to town and how we discuss life plans. Yes life plans! Is it scary and exciting at the same time? It's like drafting out a road map not only how you see yourself 10 years from now but doing it in a way that actually fulfils your dream. Yesterday, a friend of my surprised all of us by moving to Japan to fulfil his childhood dream of living and studying there and he is 36. Heck you can be 45 and still do it anyways.

We're all artist of our lives and that's what makes it exciting and liberating at the same time. We all have choices and it's up to us decide where to use it. And when you do go for it and don't lose sight of what you've always wanted, at least this is what I try to remind myself every single day.
