Wednesday, December 30, 2015

A Look Back on 2015

I've been meaning to do this post but not sure if it's necessary. I'm not sure if anyone reads my blog anymore but if no one does well it still serves as a keepsake for me on all things I love and done in the past.

I'm not sure I'm ready to bid 2015 goodbye just yet. 2015 was a roller coaster ride for me. It has it's ups and downs, both a mix of accomplishments and threats but as the year comes to an end, it all seems to turn out well. It scares me what me 2016 would bring but I'm ready to start a new and face new challenges and focus my mind on accomplishing goals I have set out a long time ago.

  • A major heartbreak after about 2 years
  • Run my first 10km marathon
  • Got 3 more tattoos
  • Met a guy who potentially could be ze one
  • Went on a company trip to Taiwan
  • Move to an MNC
  • Move to another MNC
  • Realize I enjoy spin class
  • Got my YSL croc emboss tassel bag
  • Maintain my weight below 50kg (yes finally!)
  • Started taking medications for my ED
  • Completed my pandora bracelet
  • Spend Christmas with my family after 6 years
While browsing through Pinterest, I saw this and I thought it would be a good way to wrap up the year and look forward to a new one.

Looking Back at 2015
1. My biggest accomplishment - I managed to get into an MNC.
2. My nicest memory - Spending Christmas with my family after 6 years.
3. My most beneficial experience - Getting retrench turns out to be a bridge for a better one.
4. My favorite book - Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson
5. My biggest challenge - Looking for a new job.
6. I learnt - To always trust your faith in Him. Always.
7. I travelled to - Taipei, Taiwan
8. I failed in - Accomplishing some goals like reading list.

Looking Head to 2016
1. My goals this year 
2. I want to continue - getting into fitness and not judge people by what they seem
3. I want to try - cooking new food from my cookbooks once a month
4. I want to stop - procrastinating
5. I want to travel to - Scandinavia country
6. I promise - to be more kind to myself

Whew! That was a lot wasn't it and I haven't even covered it all. There are things I'd rather keep for myself but for the most part these are the major events that has happened. Let's see where 2016 would bring me and I hope it would be a good one.