Friday, December 09, 2011

{4 Day of Christmas} DIY Beauty Gift Ideas

{Cold season bubble bath}

you need: 6 drops of eucalyptus oil, 3 drops of spearmint oil, 3 drops of peppermint oil, 1 quart of distilled water, 1 bar of castille soap, 4 ounces liquid glycerin. instruction: mix the water, soap and glycerin together and stir. Now add your essential oils to the mixture.

{Sweet tea with lemon sugar scrub}

you need: 1 2/3 cup fine sugar, 1/2 cup almond oil, 1 large tea bag, 1 lemon zest, 5 drops of lemon essential oil, 1 pint mason jar with lid. instructions: pour almond oil in the mason jar and place large tea bag down in oil. Allow to sit in the sun for 45 minutes to an hour. Remove tea bag and add remaining ingredients to jar. Stir together. Seal and tie with a ribbon.

{Pink bath salt}

you need: jar, mineral or sea salt, essential oil, pink food colouring and fabric. instructions: pour enough salt to fill the jar and add a few drops of essential oil. if you like your salt to have a colouring, add a few drops of food colouring into the fabric and stir onto the salt mix.

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