Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Change The Way You Look And Feel At Quite A Clip

Clip in hair extensions are one of the most popular ways to add length or volume to your hair. The convenience and speed of clip in hair extensions mean transformation is almost instantaneous and, while you can go to the salon, most people can put them in and fully maintain them at home.

Hair extensions come in a variety of types. Some use glue to attach the extensions, but these can become untidy, cause tangling and they also loosen as time passes. Weaving is almost permanent, but it’s also very expensive and can damage your own hair.

Clip in hair extensions offer instant results and are generally extremely good value and can be reused time and time again. Look for good quality brands that will also keep your extensions secret, just a natural part of your look. By choosing the best in human hair extensions – Remy has the best reputation - you’ll have a wonderfully natural look that you can style as you choose. Clip in hair extensions are sold in a variety of setups to suit the user’s need.

Full head extensions look very natural and can add volume as well as length. If you feel your hair really needs a volume boost then try double wefted extensions. These are what you see when a celebrity’s hair suddenly grows between photo shoots. Double wefting simply means that twice the number of strands of hair are used, usually sewn one on top the other, and really add volume. There’s no need for extra clips, so they’re just as quick and easy to use as any ordinary full head set.

If you want a splash of colour then choose highlighting clip in extensions. Stay close to your own colour for subtle highlights or go for contrasting streaks. The range of colours is enormous and the only limit if you imagination. A great way to glam things up for an evening out or party.

Some companies sell DIY sets, designed to be cut by the customer to create the perfect bespoke extension. They are usually supplied without the clips attached, but that’s a very simple process.

One piece extensions are designed for quick transformation, usually to add length or volume. You can now also buy curls, with extensions with a permanent wave. Perfect for blending in to your own wavy hair or to add volume and interest to straight hair.

Fringes or ponytails are easily added with specially designed clip in hair extensions. Ponytails are especially fashionable at the moment. They attach in seconds with clips and an invisible comb and a ribbon can be used to make sure no-one will ever see the join.

Clip in hair extensions are very easy to buy and use. If you want to take the DIY approach, then your hair should be fairly long to start with. Working with short hair may require the skills of a professional. Those with very fine hair should also take extra care and consider going to the salon for their extensions.

About the author

I am Steven Wishaw and my wife has been using these cxlip-in extensions for years and has never had any problems.

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