Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Birthstone Guide For Junior Gemologists

Gems have poetic and romantic meanings to people so much so that they have been accepted by modern society as a novelty.  Birthstones are probably the most well know example of this. Many believe their birthstone contains real power and brings “good luck”. Certain virtues are widely attributed to it and to those born in that month.

In both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, gemstones were talked about significantly. In Exodus, the breastplate of the Jewish high priest had in it 12 stones to represent the 12 tribes of Israel. In Revelation, St. John describes 12 beautiful gems that were laid in the foundation of the New Jerusalem.
In the first century, Josephus Flavius gemstones linked to the signs of the zodiac. Wearing the right stone every month would gain access to special remedial or supernatural powers. The people that could afford such a luxury collected all 12 stones so they were adequately emboldened and safeguarded through the year.
Later, Jewish gem traders may have created the first birthstones listings in Poland and Germany, which were quickly made popular thru storytelling. The up-to-date list was crafted in 1912 by the National Association of Jewelers and updated in 1952. Tanzanite was added in 2002 to the December listing, and just four years later, the aspiring tanzanite cartel proposed giving this particular stone to every child instead of just the ones born in December. Many truly believe the birthstone is perhaps a little more than a charming piece of Mother Nature’s handiwork. Match your birth month below and put the legendary benefits to the test.
                                                        Presented by Chanluu Jewelry