Sunday, August 21, 2011

Top 6 Amazing Fancy Dress Ideas

Are you hosting a fancy dress party this summer or later in the year? It is something to start to think about if you are, as you don’t want to be the one with the worst costume at the party.  Help is at hand here are some costume creations to help spark those ideas. The ideas are a combination of one for kids and adults that have been purchased or homemade.  The creations are fabulous for that Halloween party or the next music festival. The Lovell people at Buy4Less have put the collection together. 
#1 Lethal Lego Body Armor

Image via TrendHunter
This is a fab creation if you love lego and the video game Halo. Although this is a great costume, it requires a lot of time and dedication to create a Master Chief out of lego, however superb effort!
#2 Joker 

If you are a huge fan of the Dark Knight and your kids are too, this is a perfect costume and sure to be the best costume at any party.  There are some great joker costumes of there but you can make one too. 
#3 Zombie Red Riding

Image via bitrebels
It wouldn’t be a fancy dress list with having a zombie costume in it. These two styles prove you can make a zombie out of any character.  Just remember not to use too much blood, as it will end in a bloody mess!
#4 Owl 

Image via CountryLiving
This owl costume is a fantastic homemade costume. All you need is a few old t-shirts, fabric glue and a couple of hours to spare. The costume can be used at a Halloween party or for Wold Book Day. 
#5 Zombie Cowboy

Image via TopTenz
A great idea if you know someone else is attending a party as a cowboy so why not add a bit of blood to the equation? 
#6 Minion 

With the recent realise of the movie Despicable 2 the ‘Minion’ figures will be a popular choice by most kids and possibly adults. Just hope the party has got potato!  The costume is an excellent example of a homemade creation.
These are just a handful of great fancy dress creations that you can purchase or make at home. It all just depends on the budget and time you have available. There is a growing trend in getting your pets involved in the fancy dress party but be sure to check whether your pet is keen on dressing up.  

Image via TrendHunter

We hoped you liked our fancy dress ideas. It would be great if you could let us know your favourite.
The author is a full time writer who is interested and experienced in writing about fashion and hosting parties. He has written thousands of articles providing advice on how to make the most out of properties. You can find his work published on hundreds of websites, which includes blog posts and articlee.