Monday, August 12, 2013

Happy 25th Birthday to me!

I can't believe I just turned 25. Where did the year go? It's like 4 years ago I was 21 and now I'm 25 just like that. 

I feel a tad bit older. I feel like I should be doing more meaningful things in my life. Not that I didn't do those in the first half of my twenties. I did but it feels a lot different this time. I felt like I need to set myself up for future while still look good doing it.

While some of my friends went through a quarter life crisis, I on the other hand knows the direction I want to go for, in terms of my career and my dreams. It's simple. I want to go high up, see the world and experience new thing, among others.

How about you? Did you think about these things when you get a little bit older?

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