Friday, May 24, 2019


Image result for 100 day project

My Project Is:
- 40 Oracle Cards

I'm Doing It Because:
- I want to practice my drawing skills.

My Hopes and Dreams For This Project Are:
- To be able to publish it, sell it. To have a set of artworks that I can use for other things like prints, merchandise and website.

3 Ways I Can Simplify The Project:
- Do it 15 mins a day
- Use basic colours
- Simple visuals

In Order To Do My Project I Need:
- Drawing tablet

I'll Make Time and Space To Do My Project By:
- Allocating 15 mins of time for it after breakfast everyday

I Give Myself Permission To:
- Redo/re-edit the drawing

If I Miss A Day, I'll Get Back On Track By:
- Drawing 2 more pieces on the same day

For Accountability and Support, I Will:
- Look Into the Community

I Will Celebrate My 100 Days By:
- By buying the LaCie Rugged Thunderbolt external hard drive that cost $200.